Back in the early '80s, when the world was new and the internet had not been conceived of, much less invented, life was difficult for spankophiles. Material to feed our fantasies, much less lead to reality, was difficult, expensive, and sometimes embarrassing to find. There were some magazines and books aimed at us, but they were few in number and available almost exclusively in adult book stores. We tried to make do with what was available, dictionaries by their nature contained the letters s-p-a-n-k in that order and it was a nearly universal experience of young spankophiles to spend some disappointing time in the public library looking the word up in as many different dictionaries as we could find. While we were at it, there were those encyclopedias and The Readers Guide to Periodical Literature to consult. And books on child raising. And magazines like The Saturday Evening Post, which would occasionally run a story where the deserving young heroine would be spanked, chastely over full dress, by the frustrated hero on their way to wedded bliss. And then there were the fiction shelves, thousands of volumes, any one of which might mention or even describe a spanking. And diligent research might reveal authors like H. Van Wyck Mason whose heroines deserved and even received spankings much more often than pure chance would dictate. Not a lot of gold there, but enough to keep the diligent young (or old) spanko busy hoping to find their very own Sutter's Mill of spanking. Then came computers and into this breach came riding CF Publications, working to improve the lot of spankos everywhere. (OK, actually I just wanted to talk about spanking and have people send me spanking stories in the mail, but the result was the same.) CF began by publishing an annotated bibliography of spanking references in mainstream literature, thus making spanko mining easier and more rewarding. Then came the publication and sale of original spanking stories. And shortly thereafter, the launching of The OTK (Over The Knee) Newsletter, which served to make available the thoughts of myself and others on spanking and to publish notices of notable events. The bibliography continues to this day, the latest version, many times larger than the first, is available for downloading on this site, along with a couple of complementary efforts, Kessily's specialized bibliography of Robert Heinlein's spanking references, and Bost'n Bob's somewhat dated but still valuable list of movies with spanking scenes. And CF has continued to publish and offer for sale spanking fiction — approximately 3,500 items are currently available and offered for sale on this site — see our Catalogs. CF Publications continues to publish (and pay for!) new stories and encourages submissions — see our Guidelines for Writers and Artists. The OTK Newsletter died in the late '90s after 170 or so issues, when I realized that I didn't have sufficient new thoughts on spanking to justify a new issue every month or so. In the interim, the internet blog has emerged as a way for spankophiles to talk to one another. And always on the cutting edge of technology, it has only taken me about 15 years to figure out that I could continue to inflict my thoughts about spanking on the spanking world by beginning the CF Publications Blog. Since nobody is paying for a subscription and there is no pressure to meet a schedule, I can opine as the opinions occur. Further, somehow time has passed. Many spankophiles were not alive 40 years ago when OTK began to appear, and many more had no access to the newsletter. This means that I can freely plagia ... I mean republish items for the original newsletters as I think them of interest. Even better, with the declining cost of electrons, there are really no minimum or maximum sizes for postings in the blog.